Laser clinic dishonesty in reduction of times/week during course of treatment…
"Hey", said the Laser Clinic advertisement, "Don't worry about it... you only have to do this treatment for six months/one year/whatever our most profitable time period is, and then you can only do maintenance treatments every blue moon after that!" [...said NO SCIENCE EVER.]
"Hey", said the Laser Clinic advertisement, "Don't worry about it... you only have to do this treatment for six months/one year/whatever our most profitable time period is, and then you can only do maintenance treatments every blue moon after that!" [...said NO SCIENCE EVER.]

HORSECRAP -and they know it! There is nothing to suggest that only one or two times a week would be preferable to three (or every other day). In fact, some LLLT peeps other than me are being honest about this: "Once the maximum benefit is reached, the user must continue treatments 3-5 times a week to maintain their results to slow and/or stop any further hair loss."
Here is the most simple explanation to why laser clinics say that you need to go only one or two times a week -which is contrarian to any body of scientific knowledge I can get my hands on... it's the bare minimum where you will see some results, and it's about the maximum that a customer will be willing to get in a car, drive to an office during the work week, wait in the lobby, then sit in a chair for 20 minutes. THAT'S WHY!
These places are a business -and those laser clinic devices are HELLA EXPENSIVE. They need to sit as many warm bodies in that chair as they can to make a profit, pay for their boats and beach houses (nothing wrong with boats and beach houses, by the way), etc. Plus, they know that it's a "tough sell" to convince people to get to their office one day a week -heaven forbid three or four. It just wouldn't happen.
"Hey, future customer... pay me $3000 for six months for the privilege to drive to my office during your lunch break three or four times a week." Yeah, not going to happen!
Also, I think that laser clinics (or the manufacturers "advising" these clinics) are pretty dishonest when they say that you need to go "x" times a week at first, but then you can reduce it to "y" times a week later, eventually petering down to none or just an occasional "maintenance visit". There is nothing that supports that anywhere! Again... that's just a selling point because they know that you won't want to spend that much money for the rest of your days!
This just really hit me today, and it's so obvious that I don't know why it didn't hit me before! There isn't any other type of treatment in the world were you "peter down" like this when the underlying problem is still there. Chemo? Yeah, but chemo targets something and destroys it. When it's destroyed, it's destroyed. Chemo isn't a solution for cancer that keeps coming back like hair loss would. Get my point?
I think the motivations are somewhat similar to the laser brush/comb manufacturers purposely giving a time that's too short... you know, no one would want to spend 200 minutes or whatever a night using a laser brush, so they tell you to use it 30 or 45 minutes or whatever.
To sum it up, I think they know that in a couple of months, the person will start getting results from the two/three times a week treatment. Therefore, they are past the "money back guarantee" threshold. I think they also know that NO ONE would use their services if they knew that had to keep going two/three times a week forever.
So yes... we all SHOULD know our laser results aren't permanent. In fact, I'd be willing to say that the results will stop almost as fast as they started. I bet that if I quit, and then in three and a half months (the time I first really noticed the dramatic improvements) cut my hair really short again, the new hair that was left would be as crappy as it was before I started the laser treatments. Even if I'm wrong about the timeframe... you know that my hair would degrade eventually, probably sooner than later.
It's just so DAMN OBVIOUS all of a sudden! lol... Man, you've got to keep doing this laser stuff if you still want your hair to look as good as it can! These clinics are freaking either ignorant or deceptive, and the manufacturers are *definitely* deceptive! Every laser study implies that laser benefits are dose dependent, and I've never seen anything that says you can taper off down the road and still get the same benefit!
There isn't a "jump start" period that you need, either. With most anything I can think of off the top of my head, you don't go balls-to-the-wall at first and then back off to "maintain". That's a farce... if you want to "maintain" with working out your body, for example, you'll be in for a real shock if you back off your workouts and think you are going to keep your current results. That's NOT the way it works.
I know -barring a permanent hair loss cure- that I will be using my Laser Messiah helmet device until I'm either dead, or too old to either care or remember what it does! [Remember though, these helmets have other benefits... remember the Alzheimer's study?? I bet that's the tip of the iceberg of what it can do for us... including the new findings of the systemic benefits of SOD, NO, etc. from using high-powered laser devices]
That's all for now, but guys... I'm probably right. Don't trust those guys on the timeframe. If you can afford to spend that money every year, that's fantastic (and can I borrow some money? lol...). If not, get a helmet -and you've got the same thing right in your living room that you CAN use the proper amount of time per week and for years to come.
Don't fall for it... just like anything else, you have to keep doing it to keep the benefits!
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