LLLT / Laser Therapy and Gray Hair: An unexpected Christmas present from my laser helmet to me! ...Noticeable reduction of gray hair!
Gray hair reduction with laser therapy / LLLT has been reported for years with professional laser devices. I actually didn't know this when I first started, and this is the story of my unexpected surprise!
Gray hair reduction with laser therapy / LLLT has been reported for years with professional laser devices. I actually didn't know this when I first started, and this is the story of my unexpected surprise!
Note from OverMachoGrande, May 22nd, 2016:This is an article from December 17th, 2008, that I re-uploaded to the new site. Since then, there has been some great scientific findings as to the mechanisms involved, and I have continued to stave off the gray hair under the direct footprint of my Laser Messiah II. I have MUCH MORE to say on this, and it will be featured in an upcoming article very soon, so stay tuned....
In the meantime, read the article below because it might the same experience that YOU WILL HAVE using laser therapy!

I've had a really gray beard for a long time, and it "spread" over the years up to my sideburns and the side of my head around my ears. Well, I've used "Just for Men" beard and sideburn dye on my sideburns for a couple of years. No set time or pattern for usage... I'd just use it when I felt like I needed it.
Well, I realized at the beginning of December that holy cow... it's been MONTHS since I've used it! I think the last time I used it was August or September at the latest. Well, this stuff isn't even permanent, and I groom my sideburns regularly so that hair was obviously long gone.
So... no, I don't know when or how it happened exactly, but my gray hair on my sides and sideburns is noticeably less! Sure, there are still gray hairs there, but it's hit the "passable" point in which I no longer have to use the dye!
I can't prove it's from the lasers, but come on... PLEASE! lol... It's from the lasers! It took a long time though... a SOLID YEAR before I even noticed. So, maybe that will continue in the future, and you'll be the first to know!
I don't have any sources at this point -and I'll update this when I find them- but at least one laser clinic device manufacturer advertises that there product reverses gray hair, so there is probably some official data out there on the subject. I'll try to find it.

A few minutes ago I pulled these from my head, the top one from the top/side and the bottom one from closer around my ears.
There is a CLEAR line of demarcation of grey hair that turns dark. No, I didn't mistakenly or intentionally reverse the hairs or anything... these hairs literally went from gray to dark. I didn't even think that was possible.
I really don't know how typical this is... maybe I lucked out finding them. Maybe these were the only two on my head, but maybe they a lot of them were like this. I did notice this all-off-a-sudden, and I noticed it after I trimmed my hair (therefore cutting off the gray tips). Frankly, it's hard to tell what hair is like at the base in your thick side area, but these two were pretty obvious.
There is a bit of an optical illusion here, the hair looks "thinner" at the tips, but actually it's the exact same thickness. It's the gray color that's making it look thinner.
By the way, the gray section of the longer hair is about 1/2", and the gray section of the shorter hair is about 5/16", just in case you want some scale.
So, in summary... no, they aren't backward. I have no idea if that's how it transpired with all of them or not, and I certainly don't have anyway to find out. I actually can't even prove if the reduction of gray hair has one thing to do with lasers... but I'm assuming that it does because there isn't *any* other reason for it. No, lol... I didn't go gray all of a sudden or for some medical reason, either, and I've had a splash of gray hair on the sides and sideburns for many years!
So, there you go. Other forum users have reported the same thing, so I'm not crazy!
This is an old article re-upped -and LLLT definitely reduces gray hair! I have another article coming soon -but until then, you can email me at omg@overmachogrande.com!
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