Essay Part IV - OMG’s Three Cardinal Rules for Successful Laser Therapy!

1) Laser "brush" therapy does NOT compare to high wattage laser "hood", "helmet", or "clinical" laser therapy! They are radically different in terms of exposure. Many laser hood sessions are 1/2 hour with total scalp coverage from high-powered, diffused lasers. Therefore, not having results with a laser comb/brush does NOT mean that you won't have results with something more powerful.
2) With a standard laser comb, you need to worry about getting the NECESSARY exposure -not worry about OVER-exposure. It's practically impossible because you'll die of boredom first. [Calculations vary, but there are calculations shown that it takes over 400 minutes -depending on the size of the treatment area- with a standard laser brush over the scalp to get the required amount of energy.]
3) Although extremely hard to do (and near impossible to do with a standard brush), over-exposure with 650nm wavelengths is not harmful and does not cause tissue/cellular damage/cancer. It merely negates the benefits of the extra biostimulation.
I could add more to this, but this is a basic overview that covers most questions that people have regarding this subject! Well... are you enticed? Want to know the basics of Do-It-Yourself??
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